As the result of research undertaken by Henry Jennings, Editor, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., in order to help produce 'The Parish of Westoning, Beds Chronicle 2002' , due out in late September 2002, it had become apparent that it was not at all clear as to who now holds the deeds, etc., that gave them the right to hold the title Lord of the Manor at Westoning.
There is clear documented evidence, however, that in 1903 a Mrs Blyth-King, when she sold the Westonig Manor to a Mrs Martha Tasmania Spensley for her son Howard Spensley, retained the manorial and advowson rights attached to the manor. After this date there is no information as to whether Mrs Blyth-King later sold them on to Mr Spensley or other parties. The Editor had asked in 2001 the daughter of Sir John Richmond, whose family owned the manor between 1938-1957, as to whether their family had bought the rights at any stage but she was had no knowledge of such a transaction.
As can be seen from the letter here, from the Historical Manuscripts Commission, they have no knowledge of the present holder and indicate that this can be very difficult to find ou ; presumably because there is no specific register of such titles at present.......UNLESS, that is, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.?

Mr Henry Jennings
Sampshill Road
MK45 5AD
4 September 2002
Dear Mr Jennings
I am replying to your enquiry of 24 August 2002 relating to Westoning manor. We do not appear to have received your previous enquiry.
I should explain that the Manorial Documents Register (MDR) is maintained by this Commission solely as an index to the nature and location of manorial documents. The MDR is not a register of title to manorial lordships and as far as I am aware no such register of title exists. I enclose information sheet No 1 which explains the situation in more detail. I regret therefore that I unable lobe of assistance concerning the current ownership of the Westoning manor lordship.
Certain information about manorial lordships during the early part of the 20th century can be found in published sources and records held at the Public Record Office which may be of interest. I enclose information sheet No 2 which briefly describes these sources.
I am sorry that I cannot be of greater assistance on this occasion.
Yours sincerely
Andrew Rowley
Curatorial Officer